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Membership Benefits:

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1 Year New Membership
Regular Price $6

Join & Support the

Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society


Member Discount Rates for Teaching Classes & Events!

Exclusive Login to Members-Only Site:

13 Interesting Categories of Teachings

Messages from Wind Daughter

Ceremonies, Rituals & Altars

Indigenous Spirituality

Medicine Wheel Teachings

Prayers, Quotes & Insights

Medicine Songs & Drumming

Story Telling

Sacred Rites

Photo & Video Albums

Cosmology & Astrology

Metaphysics and more

Shamanic Art of Healing

13 Additional Categories - How to Heal:

Blessings Medicine

Light Medicine

Mind Medicine

Movement Medicine

Nature Beauty Medicine

Plant Medicine

Sound Medicine

Smudging Medicine

Touch Medicine

Visual Medicine

Sovereignty Medicine

Members Only  Monthly Newsletters

Examples of Teachings sent out to Members only

13 Clan Mother Teachings Series

The Meaning of Dreams

Hollow Bone Teachings

Make a Prayer Cloth Altar

Medicine Wheel Contest

Honoring Our Ancestors

Moon Honoring Ceremony

Children of the Heart

Language of the Trees Series

Grandmother Speaks

Invitation to Magnolia Cottage

Honoring the Sacred Pipe

Wotai Prayer Stone

Shawl of the Heart

Turkey Give-away Medicine

Grandmother Drum

Crystal Healing

Medicine Wheel Contest

Grounding with Mother Earth

Sacred Medicine Bundles

Solstice New Year Blessing

O Great Spirit Prayer

The Story of the Black Lodge

Who Were the Grandmothers?

Greetings from Grandmother

Member & Subscriber Invitation to Virtual Gatherings

Suggested Love Donation according to your value & means

​Join Grandmother in her virtual Panther Medicine Lodge

on a Sunday of each month

  • Virtual Medicine Teachings

  • Virtual Drum & Sing

  • Virtual Prayer Ceremonies


Thank you for supporting the important spiritual work of Grandmother !


1. Payment is through PayPal for processing.

No need to have a PayPal Account.

You can pay directly with your Credit Card!

2. Be sure that you are Logged into your Account to make the Membership purchase.

If you do not have an Account, then Sign-Up.

3. Make sure your Credit Card email address is the same

as the one that you Signed Up for your Account

or your payment might not go through.

4. If your payment does not go through, try opening a new account by Sign-Up. Or contact us.

Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society

  • 1 Year Membership

    Charged Once to your Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal
    1 jaar geldig
    • Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society
    • 1 Year New Membership
Join our monthly NEWSLETTER email list.
"Circling Around the Medicine Wheel"& our Blog

Never miss an Update, Upcoming Events or News from the
Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society.
Enjoy our monthly newsletters of teachings from the
Medicine Wheel!  

- Wind Daughter, Panther Wind Woman


If you don't open your email Newsletters when received,

our platform will classify you as not interested or as inactive,

therefore will be removed from this List

according to their good business practices.

You can unsubscribe yourself anytime with the Unsubscribe link

on the bottom of each Newsletter, or on this form.

Thanks for SUBSCRIBING to Newsletter

"Circling Around the Medicine Wheel"and our Blog.

Wind Daughter - West Winds

Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society

PO Box 851927  Mobile, Alabama, USA 36685

  1-251-583-5984 cell/text

© 2018 by Wind Daughter West Winds

Updated 2023

Website Design by Joanne Brophy

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